Happy New Year

Dear 2025, Thoughts are like the current of a running stream. Place your hand in the water and it flows through your fingers. You can’t grasp liquid, no matter how hard you try. Just like with water, it’s impossible to hold your thoughts because they aren’t solid objects. Your brain keeps them moving, constantly generating […]

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Dear 2024, Fourteen years ago, when I was in the middle of a five-month road trip driving around the country seeking shama (inner peace), I started an annual tradition of writing a letter to the new year. I’ve largely kept all my resolutions, and I like to think that they have helped me grow with […]

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Dear Year 2023, I’m writing my twelfth annual open letter to the new year from isolation. Covid finally got me, and because Eric is healthy and we want him to remain that way for his January concert tour, I have barely left the bedroom since Monday. He was at the same holiday party as me 10 […]

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Dear 2022, Year 2021 was one big whoosh. One would think time would crawl when plodding wearily through the second year of a global pandemic. Yet despite being cloaked in disquiet about the ongoing Covid crisis, numerous climate disasters, and all the horrible things that go along with both, I have gratitude for much of […]

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Dear 2021, You are a mystery. Well actually, every new year is a mystery—what will it bring? But you are a ginormous mystery with the state of the world being as it is. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for quite some time. But now that you are here, well, right off the bat […]

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Dear 2020, This marks a decade of writing letters to the new year. The past ten years have been a time of dramatic change and transition as I’ve carved out a new way of life for myself. It’s largely been wonderful, but there have also been plenty of dark nights of the soul woven into […]

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Dear 2019, I have a confession. I wince when I look at the American flag. It horrifies me to admit this. I think somewhere down deep, I’ve buried the thought that the flag of my country has been hijacked by a sector of the population that doesn’t represent anything that I was raised to believe in. […]

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Dear 2018, You finally arrived. Nonetheless, it’s taken me a month to center myself enough to write my eighth annual letter to the New Year. Last year, 2017, will forever be remembered as my year of grief. The year was filled with loss—loss of sanity, kindness and reason not only in the White House but […]

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Dear 2011, I just wanted to say hello, welcome, and damn I’m happy to meet you!  Last year was a pretty rough year.  2010 was a blur of toxic personal relationships, challenging financial issues, and working my knuckles raw for a dying company that I wasn’t able to save.  By September I was destroyed.  2010 […]

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