I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge

February 22, 2013

Have you ever stopped to think how powerful your thoughts are? What if you could transform something about your life simply by mindfully inviting change into your life? I’ve done it. It works. All you need to begin is a pad of Post-it Notes. Background I first realized how unhappy I was with my life […]

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Eraser Burns Are Stupid – A Letter to Someone Hurting

January 30, 2013

Over the past couple of years I’ve received a lot of e-mails from women (and some men) who are not happy with their lives. People who are hurting, who regret the choices they’ve made, people who feel stuck in an unfulfilled life. This letter goes out to all of them, women and men, and to […]

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An Open Letter to the New Year – 2013

January 5, 2013

Dear 2013, “What happened to your sex life?” These were the first words out of Starr’s mouth when she saw me on New Year’s Eve. Starr is the Curandera who took me in for five weeks after we serendipitously met as I was passing through Hot Springs, Arkansas on my five month road trip. My […]

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Where’s the Christmas Magic?

December 20, 2012

Personal reinvention is at times exhilarating and at times exhausting.  Lately I’ve really felt tested.  I almost feel the Universe looking down on me, questioning, whether in the face of adversity, I’ll remain positive, in the flow, and committed to living with the cowgirl spirit, or whether I’ll crack, give up and go back to […]

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Helping Heal Grief in Newtown With the Power of Pie

December 16, 2012

In the wake of this week’s senseless tragedy of the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting that left 26 dead in Newtown, Connecticut, I’m compelled to write about a tiny movement that has started with my friend Beth Howard. Beth is the author of Making Piece: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Pie.  She lives […]

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Stale Bread – Keep Each Day Fresh

December 7, 2012

stale /stāl/ Adjective (of food) No longer fresh and pleasant to eat; hard, musty, or dry: “stale bread”. Wednesday night I was telling a friend about the wild ride I’ve been on during the past two years.  While nursing a glass of wine, I explained to him how liberating it has been living outside of […]

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Leap Into The Abyss and Discover It’s A Feather Bed

November 9, 2012

One of the many gifts the road has sent my way is a friendship with an inspiring woman named Carlyn Shaw.  We were introduced through an equally inspiring woman, Shanti, whom I met on my road trip in Boise, Idaho.  Although Carlyn and I have yet to meet in person, through social media, e-mails and […]

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The Intersection of Old Life Meets New: The Ricki Lake Show

October 15, 2012

“I like your cowgirl boots,” gushed the beautiful bubbly brunette woman who had just climbed into the back of the limo with me. I thanked her, while quietly reflecting on how these boots symbolize my Seeking Shama journey of the past two years.  The road, my beloved open road, had led me to these boots.  Somehow, […]

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Give and You Shall Receive

October 7, 2012

“A stranger gave me his car,” said my houseguest Wendee Nicole as she took a sip of her coffee. My eyes bulged out as I processed what she had just said.  We were sitting at my kitchen table in our pajamas talking about when during times in life we feel our daily existence involves an […]

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The Wisdom Behind the Tostada Man

September 21, 2012

Driving back from the airport on Wednesday afternoon with hunger pains in my tummy, I decided to swing by HEB to stock my fridge with a few essentials.  Now that I live in Texas, tostadas have become one of those essentials.  I found myself contemplating the shelves packed with different flavors:  yellow corn, jalapeño, chili […]

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