Seeking Shama Book: Take Two

August 26, 2013

I just pushed “send” and e-mailed the second draft of my book, Seeking Shama, to my editor. Those of you who follow my Seeking Shama Facebook page  know that Yoda and I drove across country in Princess Leia the Prius the last week in July so that I could work from my parents’ lake house […]

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A Broken Toilet, Death and Hakuna Matata

July 22, 2013

This is my toilet. The flapper was broken. A visit from the plumber this weekend rocked my world. When Herman Bennett came to my door on Saturday, I instantly connected with his hippie Austin vibe. Herman is a singing, washboard-playing Jewish plumber with a degree in psychology. He has a long skinny braid that extends […]

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Molotov Cocktails, Change and Rebirth

July 5, 2013

“I periodically throw a Molotov cocktail into my life.”  This was said to me last Friday in LA by “Grace,” the CEO of a transmedia company for whom I’m doing some consulting work. To reward ourselves for a grueling week of successful meetings and gridlocked traffic, we were soaking in Beverly Hot Springs, a Korean […]

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Painting Makes Me Cranky

June 22, 2013

I was cranky yesterday. Hugely cranky. I’m usually a naturally happy person, but not yesterday. Actually, I haven’t been myself for a week now. It’s been a slow build of general irritability over the past seven days. I’ve known why, but there was no way that I was able to stop it. This happened because […]

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My Shama Yoga Rug Is My Reminder to Create a Life I Love

June 7, 2013

My quest for shama actually began years before Yoda and I took off in Princess Leia the Prius on our five month seeking shama road trip.  Way back when, a broken heart and the beginnings of my job burnout led to me inventing the Shama Yoga Rug, now distributed by Manduka. Read my guest post […]

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Gretchen’s Story: I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge

May 20, 2013

I’m delighted to share filmmaker Gretchen Stoeltje’s experience with the I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge.  Gretchen has used her Post-it Note Mantra to tackle those things that so many of us secretly struggle with: courage and confidence.  She’s been facing her fears head-on, diving deep into the heart of them instead of hiding from […]

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Socrates Had it Going On

April 26, 2013

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” — Socrates   As I continue working with my own very personally-challenging Post-it Note Mantra in the I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge, I’m learning the value of having a daily reminder to be […]

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Dena’s Story: I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge

April 18, 2013

I’m so pleased to share Dena Taylor’s experience with the I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge. Dena inspires not only with her wicked fun wit, but also with the beauty and grace with which she handled her 2006 battle with cancer and is now supporting her mother’s cancer treatment. Watching her navigate the world of […]

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Jenny’s Story: I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge

April 5, 2013

Jenny Cook is a friend, lawyer and brilliant aspiring fiction writer. She was one of the women at the happy hour where the I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge was launched. She’s worked with her Post-it Note Mantra for over a month now, and I’m both pleased and humbled to share, in her words, her […]

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Peek Into the Lives of Others: I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge

March 14, 2013

Recently the I Welcome Change Post-it Note Challenge was launched on Seeking Shama. The idea behind this is that by creating a Post-it Note Mantra welcoming a particular change into your life, you will start to be more mindful of moving in this direction. By seeing daily reminders of your Post-it Note Mantra stuck in […]

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