An Open Letter to the New Year – 2014

January 7, 2014

Dear 2014, I’m late writing you the annual letter that I’ve written to each new year since 2011. The fact is, I didn’t want to write you. I was pissed off at 2013, and some of that anger was unjustly carried over to you. Although 2013 was overall a pretty good year, it really didn’t […]

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Christmas Magic – Yoda and the Mailman

December 25, 2013

        A year ago last December, during one of those inevitable vulnerable spells that periodically bubble up when one is attempting to reinvent oneself, I found myself emotionally gushing to a friend, “I need to drum up some Christmas magic.  Where is the Christmas magic?!” After allowing myself a brief moment to […]

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Create a Better Moment

December 2, 2013

When will this headache end? This was the main thought running through my head for the past four days. It felt like someone dipped a corkscrew in fiery coals so that the metal screw was blazing red hot, then they repeatedly jammed that corkscrew into my forehead right above my left eyebrow. Next, they slowly […]

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In a Galaxy Not So Far Away…

November 24, 2013

My sidekick is a dog named Yoda. My car is named Princess Leia the Prius.  You’d think I was a Star Wars buff, right?  Truth be told, I’ve seen the six movies only one time each, and I only just watched Episodes I – III last year. I can’t even tell you what happens in […]

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More of Yoda’s “Constant Vigilance”

November 3, 2013

                Ah yes, more proof of Yoda’s unconditional love. Yesterday morning Yoda and I babysat my friends’ Karen and Joe’s boys. In exchange, Karen, Joe and their boys dogsat Yoda at their house yesterday afternoon. Just like when Yoda waited for me at the door with constant vigilance […]

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A Happy Halloween Treat

October 31, 2013

It is Halloween and today I received an unexpected treat. A reminder of not only the warm generosity of friends, but also of the abundance of unconditional love in my life…from my dog Yoda. I returned from a couple of afternoon meetings to find a large package on my doorstep from writer Nancy Rector. I […]

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The Huffington Post – Singing the Blues on Highway 61

September 27, 2013

Oh how the road sings to me! She really does. This was no more true than during my most recent road trip in July on The Blues Highway. My drive with Yoda through Mississippi brought me all I look for in a road trip – new cultural experiences, a bit of history, friendly people, and […]

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Yoda Does Yoga

September 25, 2013

September is National Yoga Month.  Normally I wouldn’t care. Normally I would roll my eyes and throw National Yoga Month in the ridiculous category of other so-called Hallmark holidays like Sweetest Day or last week’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day. But this year is different. This year National Yoga Month is a bit special […]

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The Love Blast

September 13, 2013

Your best friend dissed you. Your girlfriend cheated on you. Your client decided not to pay your last invoice, even though they owe you money. Your boss put you in your place, when it should have been the other way around. A stranger at the grocery story rammed his cart into yours as he whipped […]

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There is No Hell, Yet I Fight To Stay Out of it Every Day

September 2, 2013

I’m sitting in my Jackson, Missouri hotel room after a nine hour day of driving, en route to Austin after a month away.  All those hours in a car give me a lot of time to analyze (and sometimes over-analyze) things in my life. What was on my mind today was a conversation I had […]

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