Dear 2012, The last couple of days have been ones of deep introspection. 2011 was one of the most difficult of my life, but it was also singularly the most important year of my life. As a result, I wasn’t sure I was ready to see the year end. It was a year of breaking […]
When I left Santa Monica on my road trip in October, 2010, I felt completely alone. I felt like I was the only person in the world going through an existential crisis. Having had the realization that I didn’t like who I was and I didn’t like where I had found myself in life, I […]
I’ve had it with the tears. And yes, I’m talking about mine. Just about anything can set me off. This morning it was a video of dolphins and whales playing in the waves set to Little River Band’s “Cool Change” (thank you Angela!). This afternoon it was a bright-eyed 20-something unloading a velvet-cushioned chair out […]